Wednesday, January 30, 2008


This piece features my grandma Jeanne, who was Finnish. It is approximately 8"x10" and has collaged images of snowy trees in it. A bunch of silk roses are attached below her portait. Some pearlescent encaustic frames her face and the lower right side of the collage.

butterflies in the snow

two small pieces (4"x4") are on old wood. My friend Kerri was talking about a piece "butterlies in the snow" that she is going to paint. Beeswax covers the butterfly transfers and pearlescent encaustic edges the wood pieces. The heat gun causes the metallic encaustic to explode into the surrounding wax.

on the farm

If you can't see the embedded photograph, it is of fields and a house. Green and pearlescent encaustic are marbled in with the beeswax. Mint plants are on the sides and top of the wood embedded in wax.

A xerox transfer butterfly on old painted wood is on either side of this piece.

Friday, January 11, 2008

keeper of the bees

currently at the Vertin gallery along with some encaustics and Queen Bee. This is approx. 33"x60".

Sunday, January 6, 2008

bee box #3

approx. 10"x10" drawer made into an alter, niche, or box.

bee box #3

close-up of bee box

free spirit

5"x7" beeswax collage and encaustics on wood